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Guayacán Orquesta ¡Imparable!

admin | junio 13, 2024 close

  Este 2024 ha sido un gran año para la orquesta salsera  más taquillera de Colombia. Después de presentar su álbum sinfónico a principios de mayo y con más de 1 millón de views y descargas en sus plataformas digitales, Guayacán hizo cierre de su gira por Europa en dónde […]


Guayacán Orquesta Presenta su nuevo albúm «Guayacán ...

admin | mayo 8, 2024 close

Uno de los referentes salseros más importantes del mundo, lanza “Guayacán Sinfónico en Vivo”, álbum con el que pretenden trascender en el tiempo y catapultar aún más la riqueza musical de las obras de los maestros Nino Caicedo y Alexis Lozano. Esta producción, que es relevante para la historia de […]

Elementor music

The Seven Different Types of Written Music

admin | noviembre 4, 2020 close

As a bassist, bandleader, teacher, and music copyist, I’ve worked with hundreds of singers throughout the years. Though working musicians know hundreds of tunes, singers need to have good charts in order to have their music played the way they want. I define a «good chart» as a piece of […]

Elementor music

How To Gain The Power To Create Intense Musical Emotion

admin | noviembre 4, 2020 close

Most guitarists want to be able to express themselves better with their guitar playing; however, the majority of guitar players have no idea how to actually practice this skill. This leads to a lot of time being wasted on practicing guitar in a way that does not produce big results. […]

Music theme

How To Gain Music Fans And Build Promoting Skills

admin | noviembre 4, 2020 close

However, the answer to «How do I get more fans and promote my music career?» is not easily found by taking a highly generalized approach that ‘seems’ to work for other musicians. At any given moment, you (or the band you play in) may be struggling with various unique challenges […]

Elementor music

The 7 Qualities You Must Have To Make It In The Music Business

admin | noviembre 4, 2020 close

Most of the qualities I will be discussing have to do with the way you ‘think’ rather than the specific actions you take. It is rare to find someone who has the right mindset that contains all of these qualities. However, you can get ‘trained’ to develop a success oriented […]

Music theme

The Top 5 Myths About Making It In The Music Business

admin | noviembre 4, 2020 close

Are you searching for ways to make it in the music industry? In order to break into the music business and develop a long-lasting, successful career, it is important to (first) eliminate all of the misinformation you have heard about becoming a pro musician. Truth is, believing in music industry […]

Elementor music

How to Listen to Ambient Music

admin | noviembre 4, 2020 close

Many years ago, I had a college friend who was an evangelizing devotee of the abstract painter Marc Rothko. I remember her gushing over a catalog of Rothko’s work, while I was thinking that I must be aesthetically challenged; I just didn’t «get» it. After all, most of the paintings […]

  • cover play_circle_filled

    01. Extraño tu amor
    Guayacan Orquesta

  • cover play_circle_filled

    01. Te Amo Te Extraño - Sinfónico
    Guayacan Orquesta

  • cover play_circle_filled

    02. Extraño Tu Amor - Sinfónico
    Guayacan Orquesta

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    03. Cada Día Que Pasa - Sinfónico
    Guayacan Orquesta

  • cover play_circle_filled

    04. Mujer De Carne Y Hueso - Sinfónico
    Guayacan orquesta

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